Aug 6, 2011



The party’s objective on defense shall be consistent with the provisions of the constitution. Specifically, our objectives are to:
  1. Create a highly trained, highly mobile and highly motivated military corps.
  2. Create and maintain Armed Forces capable of discharging their constitutional role at all times and in all circumstances.
  3. Use the Armed Forces to support our foreign policy objectives.
In conformity with the provision of the constitution of our party shall:
1. Pursue friendly and reciprocal relations on a bilateral and multilateral basis across the world, especially within the West Africa sub-region and within Africa as a whole.
2. Observe conventions and obligations of regional and international organizations of which Nigeria is a member.
3. Maintain and strengthen Nigeria’s membership of regional and international organizations to facilitate the attainment of Nigeria’s national interest.
4. Resist all forms of discrimination, domination and aggression against Nigeria and against any other state.

The Civil Service


  1. Development of a patriotic and efficient civil service characterised by the initiative, quality and commitment of its personnel, and by the speed and proficiency with which it discharges its responsibilities.
  2. Development of measure to eliminate corruption, inertia and unnecessary red tape.

The Judiciary and the Administration of Justice


The objective of our party in the administration of justice are:
  1. To facilitate the complete independence of the judiciary from intimidation and external influence.
  2. To strengthen the processes of administration of justice.
  3. To uphold the principles of separation of powers as enshrined in the constitution.
  4. To defend the principles of social justice, equity, equality and human rights.
  5. To insulate the judiciary from all form of parochial interests and to ensure that the national interests and objectives are always upheld.

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