Aug 6, 2011


Good health is basic to human existence. To be wealthy, the nation also needs to be healthy. Since the health sector in general in Nigeria is in complete shambles, primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare must receive appropriate attention and must be developed fully to meet our nation’s needs. In doing so, however, it makes sense to place greater emphasis on preventive and primary healthcare, for the time being.


The major objectives of our party’s policy on Health are:
  1. To tackle and control of all those factors in our environment and in our daily life which adversely affect our physical and mental health;
  2. To provide the personnel and institutions that will assist society in ensuring continued good health care delivery for every citizens;
  3. To ensure that the good effects of all these services are accessible to all, irrespective of their domicile or economic status.

Primary Health Care Components

  1. Free Immunization for children 0-5 years against the six killer diseases of childhood.
  2. Free Immunization for women of child-bearing age against the deadly disease of tetanus.
  3. Free supply of micronutrient supplements to children 0-5 years and pregnant women
  4. Free mass immunization against the deadly disease of yellow fever and cerebrospinal meningitis during epidemic.
  5. Free treatment of cases of HIV/AIDS, T.B. and Leprosy.
  6. Provision of health information, education and materials for effective prevention, control and management of communicable diseases.

Secondary Health Care Components

  • Free Registration
  • Free consultation
  • Free minor investigation
  • PCV (Packed Cell Volume)
  • MP (Malaria Parasite)
  • Urinalysis
  • Free Medication with essential drugs
  • Free minor surgeries
  • I & D (Incision and Drainage)
  • Suturing of minor lacerations
  • Closed Reduction and POP Immobilization of simple fractures

Free care of pregnant women:

  • Pre–natal care
  • Free Normal Deliveries – including forcep and vacuum extractions
  • Free suturing of Episiotomies
  • Free medication with essential drugs during labour, delivery and puerperium
  • Free post natal care for breast feeding mothers
  • Routine post-natal care examination and medication
We shall promote and adequately fund systematic research into all forms of traditional medicine and shall encourage the establishment of traditional health institutions in all the state to complement the national effort in health care delivery through conventional medicine practice.

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