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“By 2020 Nigeria will be one of the 20 largest economies in the world, able to consolidate its leadership role in Africa and establish itself as a significant player in the global economic and political arena.”
The previous administration had declared the intention to pursue the vision of placing Nigeria among the 20 largest economies in the world by 2020 and the current administration is committed to the attainment of this vision.
The 21 principles below are an expansion of the ideas and values contained in Vision 2020 which I also plan to pursue as part of my agenda.
Concept Nigeria’s economic potential is well recognized. It is the biggest economy in the West African sub region. Given the country’s considerable resource endowment and coastal location there is potential for strong growth. Yet Nigeria has realized very little of this potential. Previous efforts at planning and visioning were not sustained. The history of economic stagnation, declining welfare and social instability, has undermined development for most of the past 30 years.
But in recent years, Nigeria has been experiencing a growth turnaround and conditions seem right for launching onto a path of sustained and rapid growth, justifying its ranking amongst the N11 countries. These are the countries identified by Goldman Sachs to have the potential for attaining global competitiveness based on their economic and demographic settings and the foundation for reforms already laid.The previous administration had declared the intention to pursue the vision of placing Nigeria among the 20 largest economies in the world by 2020 and the current administration is committed to the attainment of this vision.
The 21 principles below are an expansion of the ideas and values contained in Vision 2020 which I also plan to pursue as part of my agenda.
- Promote a vision focused on the quality of life for residents and the sustainability of Sagamu Local Government.
- Effectively manage, in a sustainable manner, issues associated with growth, such as infrastructure, urban expansion, intensification/ infill, and increased traffic, through sound planning practices and consultation with citizens.
- Ensure the efficient use of land for agriculture and urban purposes by encouraging integration of uses, increased densities and innovative designs
- Sustain the natural environment and protect natural systems by paying attention to site resources (hydrology, terrain, geology, biodiversity of vegetation and wildlife) while providing a climate for community and economic growth.
- Promote the conservation of heritage resources as an expression of community identity and pride and to promote culture for tourism.
- Provide leadership in the promotion of sound land use practices and in building a strong regional economy in Sagamu when working with other orders of Government, neighbouring local government areas and other stakeholders.
- Foster local economic development and business retention and attract diverse, long-term economic growth, by a variety of mechanisms including partnerships appropriate to marketing Sagamu.
- Support the development of the Greater Downtown as a vibrant, inclusive and attractive focal point for the community to access services, live, work, shop and play.
- Ensure an adequate supply of residential, industrial and commercial areas to serve the growing needs of our city.
- Build vibrant, attractive and safe neighbourhoods that provide for a range of housing choices, access to services, local employment, recreation, and open space.
- Foster a strong sense of community based upon caring for neighbours, pride in private property and public spaces, enhancement of the built environment and creating a safe environment through design, community engagement and protective services.
- Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty
- Provide sustainable access to potable water and basic sanitation
- Provide accessible and affordable housing
- Build human capacity for sustainable livelihoods and national development
- Improve access to micro-credit
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Foster a culture of recreation and entertainment for enhanced productivity
- Utilize sustainable development and operational practices that promote energy efficiency, water conservation and the reduction of solid waste and other environmental initiatives.
- Ensure a balanced, diverse and accessible range of social, education, health, agricultural food productions, recreation and cultural opportunities.
- Ensure safe, adequate, sustainable and reliable utility systems, including smart infrastructure and wired neighbourhoods to meet on-going community needs, while supporting environmentally sound alternatives.